Ministry Partners

These are the para-church ministries that Crossroads supports.

  • Young Life

    Young Life is a mission devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. Young Life meets on our campus on Monday and Thursday evenings.

  • Men’s Bible Study Fellowship

    Men's Bible Study Fellowship is an international Christian organization offering in-depth, chapter-by-chapter Bible study groups for people of all ages and backgrounds. They aim to help individuals discover their purpose and identity through studying God's word and building supportive communities. They currently meet on our campus on Tuesday evenings.

  • Good News Club

    The Good News Club, run by the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CFE), is an after-school program for children aged 5-12 focused on sharing the Christian faith. Through engaging Bible lessons, songs, games, and activities, children learn about biblical stories, Jesus' teachings, and Christian values. The goal is to introduce them to Christianity, encourage them to accept Jesus as their Savior, and foster their spiritual growth. Clubs meet in various locations like schools, community centers, and churches, and are led by trained and screened volunteers.

Community Partners

These are the para-church ministries that Crossroads supports.

  • Classical Conversations

    Classical Conversations is a proven Christian homeschool program created by parents for parents. They do this through a Christ-centered and family-friendly approach to homeschooling that makes everything biblical and hospitable, focused on three simple key areas: Classical, Christian and Community.

  • Katie’s Krops

    Katie’s Krops began with a mission to empower youth to start and maintain vegetable gardens and donate the harvest to those in need, as well as assist and inspire others to do the same. You can read the full story by clicking below.

  • The Bair Foundation

    The Bair Foundation is a Christian foster care agency that has provided hope and stability to more than 250,000 children and families in crisis. Christian principles of love, compassion, generosity and hope have been incorporated into their training, philosophy and services. As God so loved us and adopted us into His family, they do the same for abused and neglected children who are in need of a temporary or permanent home.