
  • Jan. 5 - Baptism

    If you have never publicly declared your faith by immersion baptism, please click the link below to register. Our next baptism date is Sunday, January 5th. Please register below, and someone on our staff will contact you.

  • Jan. 8 - Cherish Marriage Lift Group

    Millions of couples getting married have pledged to "love and to cherish, until death do us part." Most of us understand and get the love part ... but what does it mean to cherish our spouse? In this six-session video Bible study, Gary Thomas shows how the simple practice of cherishing -- noticing, appreciating, honoring, and encouraging our spouse -- can reverse old patterns of "going through the motions" and bring hope and life into every marriage.

    Join us on Wednesday nights beginning January 8th at 6:30 p.m. The class is free, but a book will need to be purchased on Amazon by clicking HERE.

  • Jan. 12 - New Members Class

    Our next New Members Class is Sunday, January 12th, at noon in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be provided and childcare will be available. Please register so we have a headcount.

  • Jan. 14 - Women’s Zoom Bible Study

    Join us on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 p.m. for our next Bible Study, The Daniel Prayer, via Zoom. Books can be purchased HERE.

  • Jan. 15 - Women’s Winter Bible Study

    Join us on Wednesday, January 15th, from 9:00-11:00 in the Fellowship Hall. This new study is a faith-building journey that covers several Psalms. The study will start with identifying God’s power and majesty, understanding the power of worship, recognizing who you are to God, finishing with God’s protection over you, and embracing this knowledge in your life. For more information, contact Margaret Wehman at

  • Jan. 21 - Women’s Precept Study

    Join us on Tuesday, January 21st, at 9:00 a.m. as we study Revelation Part 4. Please register by clicking below.

  • Jan. 24 - Ladies Night Out

    Do you desire to do something for the Lord, but think you have nothing to offer? God says differently! Join Megan Tice (Pastor Richard’s daughter) as we dig into scripture and see how we can use what we’ve got for the Lord.

    Invite your friends to this Women's Event on Friday, January 24th, at 6:00 p.m. It will be held in the Youth Building. Food stations will be set up between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. Please sign up by January 17th. Childcare is available for those who sign up.

  • Feb. 16 - Baby Dedication

    We will dedicate babies, ages two and under, during our second Sunday morning worship service on Sunday, February 16th. We will have a luncheon for the parents dedicating their babies on Sunday, February 9th, at noon in the Fellowship Hall. There is free childcare for the lunch. Please click below to register your child for baby dedication and/or the parent's lunch.

  • June 23 - Youth Mission Trip 2025

    Register your students for World Changers 2025. Our students will be traveling to Boone, NC for a week of fellowship, service, and worship!